92 Days Later

I’ve realized that I tend not to write when things are going well. My muse seems to be tied up in anger, sadness and sometimes despair. Well, here’s to breaking that cycle.  Life right now is just about perfect. I say “just about” because there are little dark spots that stop it from being all … More 92 Days Later


Belonging. It’s a powerful word. It’s a positive word, yet it’s a word that fills me with dread because how hard I find it to achieve. I’ve always struggled with belonging. My parents divorced when I was very young. My mother remarried very shortly after her divorce, and not long after had a child with … More Belonging

Soul Pancake

This is a quickie. The first challenge in Soul Pancake (if you’re reading this, and you don’t know what that is, Google it) was to take some chalk and go write a positive message on a sidewalk somewhere. I didn’t do that. Instead, I gave money to two street musicians who were performing outside my … More Soul Pancake

365 Days Later

Christmas Day is over.  It’s 6:00pm, I’m sitting on the couch, watching and listening to a Macklemore concert. I have a pitbull trying to crawl into my lap, and a big brown dog fighting for space on the couch. My husband’s in the other room playing a computer game (do they still call them that … More 365 Days Later

Simple Pleasures

I’m not sure if it’s a mark of adulthood and maturity, or simply a matter of finally having become the person I always was inside.  I’m sitting in my back yard; surrounded by the sounds of birds, frogs, the dull roar of traffic from the highway, the faraway occasional sound of sirens, a soft breeze … More Simple Pleasures

A Big Ball of Mess

Yesterday I took a big step in my quest for finding inner-peace, or at least figuring out how to begin to achieve inner-peace.  Yesterday, I went to see a psychiatrist.  I found him after doing some research online.  He received high recommendations from patients, I liked the location of his practice, and I went with … More A Big Ball of Mess

Today’s Choice

We make choices about our state of mind every day. Consciously or subconsciously. Despite consciously knowing that I am capable of making choices about my mood, I’ve learned that I find myself more comfortable when I’m choosing to be unhappy, or down. My brain, my body, my soul haven’t yet caught up to the fact … More Today’s Choice